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About the project...

Overall goals:
Develop and refine methods of home automation to increase the overall efficicency of buildings in an effort to combat energy waste and climate change.
Minimize resources used to operate a building.


  1. To construct a model home using green materials  and to acheive a certified LEED rating.

  2. To build an array of sensors, inside and outside the buiulding, to measure different data

  3. Use the data gatehred froms ensors to make decisions (ex. Opening Window, Dimming Lights)


  1. Building was constructed using donated materials that were either responsibly acquired or ahceive LEED specifications (Ex. Denim Insulation, local sustainable tree farming lumber). Thoughtful desing of building and components to make better decisions for heat management and natural lighting (Ex. Slanted roof, low/high window placement, sun roof).

  2. Sensors include: Temperature, Humidity, Motion, Rain, and Light

  3. Automation function to open blinds, windows, dim and control lights. Automation is controlled by user presence, night mode, rain detection, and status of actuation (Ex. Blinds are always open if window is open).

Future Goals


  1. Develop a waste water management system for gray water.

  2. refine and add to the automation system

  3. Continue testing of energy usage and temperature control of the home.


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